Export Campaign Data
Liveclicker's Campaign data export (CDX) allows you to automatically export your campaign data into an FTP folder on a daily basis. Liveclicker will pass all user-level impression data once per day containing the previous day's data. To download an example of this report click here. If you are interested in a CDX integration, please reach out to your Customer Success Manager.
Key | Type | Max. Character Length |
sub_id | text | 2,048 |
full_date | date | 19 |
campaign_id | integer | 10 |
campaign_name | text |
64 |
element_type | text | 16 |
element_name | text | 128 |
version_name | text | 128 |
question_value | text | 256 |
user_selection_code | text | variable |
has_been_revealed | integer | 5 |
clip_version_friendly | text | 64 |
click | integer | variable |
clickthroughurl | URL | variable |
clickthrough_date | date |
variable |
geo_predicted | integer | 32 |
engagement | text | 32 |
duration | integer | variable |
impression_device | text | 16 |
emailclient | text | 64 |
mobile_carrier | text | 16 |
os | text | 64 |
browser | text | 64 |
city | text | 64 |
region | text | 128 |
county | text | 32 |
zip_code | integer | 5 |
country | text | 64 |
language | text | 16 |
opener_timezone | integer | 10 |
order_id | integer | variable |
orders | integer | variable |
revenue | integer | variable |
order_date | date | variable |
esp_dim1...esp_dim19 | text | 8192 |
esp_destinationcity | text | 128 |
esp_arrivaldate | date | 64 |
esp_timerexpirationdate | date | 64 |
esp_maplocation | text | 128 |
exp_trackingnumber | text | 512 |
esp_shippingprovider | text | 64 |
rule_id | text | 10 |
Variable Fields
Some fields have a variable character length, please see examples below and our advice for how best to approach this when setting a maximum character length for these fields:
Aggregator fields e.g. duration where we are performing a calculation such as sum, count or average to get the result. Because of this the end result could be a number of any length required. Typically, these fields do not exceed 8 characters.
In other cases, such as the clickthroughurl, Liveclicker is unable to provide a maximum character length as the length of this field is determined by the length of the clickthrough url used in Liveclicker campaigns so this cannot be preempted in advance.
Key | Description | Example |
sub_id |
The subscriber ID value for the impression as passed by your account's Subscriber ID field |
name@domain.com |
full_date | 02/12/2019 11:44:36 | |
campaign_id | Campaign ID the impression belongs to | 1677583200 |
campaign_name | Friendly name of campaign | Weather Promotion |
element_type | Name of the element type for the impression | feed |
element_name | Friendly name of the element | Desktop version |
version_name | Friendly name of the version | Sunny version |
question_value | Name provided of the poll question in the campaign wizard | What's your favorite color? |
user_selection_code | If the user has voted in a LivePoll or has clicked a slide from an iOS optimized slide show, the poll_link_status value is 1 - and user_selection_code will indicate the answer or slide that has been selected. If a friendly name is given for the poll answer or slide, that will be shown instead of the poll answer number or slide number. | answer #2, slide #2 |
has_been_revealed | Applicable to LiveReveal element only, value is 1 if revealed by the user and 0 if not. | 1 |
clip_version_friendly | For LiveVideo elements only, which version type was delivered: Inline video, iOS Video, Animated GIF, Static are the possible values | iOS Video |
clicks | Shows if there was a clickthrough for the impression, will always be 1 or 0 | 1 |
clickthroughurl | Clickthrough URL for an impression when a clickthrough has happened. (URL is encoded for security and data handling) | http%3A%2F%2Fwww.liveclicker.com |
clickthrough_date | Date of the clickthrough (if applicable) for the impression | 10/6/2014 6:00:30 AM |
geo_predicted | Applicable if your account is set up to use Predictive Geo-Targeting. Value is 1 if the location was predicted and 0 if not. | 1 |
engagement | Classifies duration of open for the impression into 3 categories: Read: Duration of open is 8 or more seconds Skimmed: Duration of open is 2 or more seconds, but less than 8 seconds Deleted without reading: Duration of open is less than 2 seconds | Read |
duration | When available, duration of open in seconds for the impression | 10 |
impression_device | When available, duration of open in seconds for the impression | Desktop (all) |
emailclient | Email client of the impression | Gmail |
mobile_carrier | When available, name of the mobile carrier for mobile openers (Spring, ATT, Verizon, TMobile, or empty) | Verizon |
os | Operating System value of the impression | Windows 7 |
browser | Browser of the impression. | Chrome (All) |
city | City name value of the impression | San Diego |
region | Operating System value of the impression | England |
county | County of the impression | King |
zip_code | US zip code of the impression | 92107 |
country | Country of the impression | France |
language | When available, language preference of the opener for the impression | French |
opener_timezone | Timezone offset from GMT of the impression | -7.0 |
order_id | Identifies the order's ID | order123 |
orders | Order count generated for this content impression. This requires the tracking code to be deployed | 1 |
revenue | Revenue amount generated for this content impression. Also requires the proper tracking code | $19.99 |
order_date | Date of the order | 2022-06-10 |
esp_dim1...esp_dim19 | Custom campaign ESP tags passed via the embed code | John |
esp_destinationcity | Preset custom destination city location fed through an ESP field used for personalized LiveForecast elements | Los Angeles, California |
esp_arrivaldate | Preset custom arrival date fed through an ESP field used for personalized LiveForecast elements | 12/25/20 |
esp_timerexpirationdate | Preset custom timer expiration fed through an ESP field used for personalized LiveTimer elements | 2022-07-10 18:00:00 |
esp_maplocation | Preset custom map location fed through an ESP field used for personalized LiveMap elements | 10001 |
esp_trackingnumber | Tracking number fed through an ESP field used for LiveTracker elements | 1Z9999999999999999 |
esp_shippingprovider | Shipping provider fed through an ESP field used for LiveTracker elements | UPS |
rule_id | Identifies the ID of the targeting rule applied to this impression (if applicable). If there is a friendly name given to the ruleset, it will show in this column instead. | ruleset #1 |